Sample Compensation Calculator
Example of how to set up a compensation structure
LinkDeveloping a standardized approach to compensation is an important step towards building an equitable and scalable compensation strategy. We've pulled data from the famous (and recently discontinued) public-facing GitLab Comp Calculator HERE to serve as a jumping off point. Pick the appropriate selection from each of the four categories and multiply them together to arrive at a reasonably narrow range.
The specific numbers for location and role are samples pulled from a 2019 archive of the original GitLab tool (which you can also view and use HERE) and should not be blindly adhered to.
Sample for a first-time Accounting Manager in Boston:
(Manager = 1.4) * (Learning = 0.85-0.925) * (Boston = 0.85) * (Accountant = $93,000) =
$94,070 - $102,370
Further reading: